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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 91 23:40:21 -0700
From: Raymond Beausoleil <beausol@milton.u.washington.edu>
About six weeks ago, Bob Jopson of Bell Labs asked me to write a short article
on the rudiments of "ftp'ing" for "Optics and Photonics News," the monthly
magazine for members of the Optical Society of America. He certainly didn't ask
*me* because I am an expert; rather, I'm a fairly typical user who knows just
enough Unix to ftp, read mail, etc.
With much help, I managed to write the two-part article below. The first part
covers the ftp process itself, while the second part describes some approaches
to downloading and decoding Mac and MS-DOS files from a Unix host to your
microcomputer. In particular, Mac folks can find out how to get mcvert up and
running on their system.
The article below is somewhat longer and more detailed than the edited version
that will appear in O&PN. If you like it, I recommend that you archive it in
the directory /info-mac/help as ftp-primer.txt.
Ray Beausoleil
----------------------------- Beginning of Part I ----------------------------
An FTP Primer I: The File Transfer Protocol
Ray Beausoleil
Some of the most capable software packages currently available for
microcomputers are publicly issued as either "freeware" or "shareware."
Freeware is generously released by the author without charge, while shareware
is distributed under a "try before you buy" agreement. Copies of many of these
programs are archived on mini and mainframe computers throughout the world. If
your local Unix site is connected to the INTERNET, then you may transfer these
files to your site and download them to your microcomputer.
FTP is the INTERNET standard File Transfer Protocol. The program "ftp" is
the Unix user interface to the Internet protocol, and allows you to transfer
files to and from a remote network host. This article necessarily cannot serve
as an exhaustive description of the "anonymous FTP" process. (In fact, the Unix
"ftp" program is only one of many user interfaces to the INTERNET FTP.)
However, in Part I I will give an example of a typical Unix FTP session, and I
will list the addresses of a few archive sites for Macintosh and MS-DOS
software. Next month, in Part II, I will describe some of the techniques for
decoding and downloading this software to your microcomputer.
FTP is a privilege granted to users of the INTERNET by the administrators of
sites containing these archives. Please try to restrict your file transfers to
non-business hours, because you and other FTP users can cause the host computer
to slow down significantly. In addition, please minimize the time that you are
connected to the remote site so that others may take advantage of the
A screen capture of a typical (brief) FTP session is shown in Fig. 1. From a
Unix machine at the University of Washington ("milton"), I connected to sumex-
aim.stanford.edu, where a large collection of Macintosh software is archived.
The numbers in parentheses located on the left margin of Fig. 1 correspond to
the annotations listed below.
(1) At your Unix prompt, enter "ftp" followed by a space and either the name
or the numerical INTERNET address of the remote host. Occasionally, a host will
accept only the INTERNET address. If the remote site is active, then you will
be connected to the remote FTP server.
(2) When the remote machine asks for your name, enter "anonymous." Some hosts
limit the number of off-site FTP users; if the number of connections has
already reached the maximum, you will be asked to try again later.
(3) For your password, you are generally asked to enter your e-mail address,
such as "beausol@u.washington.edu," followed by a return. However, some systems
will permit you to enter virtually any text instead.
(4) After these preliminaries, you will enter your local Unix "ftp" command
interpreter, which will provide you with the "ftp>" prompt. Usually, you will
first be logged in to a "root directory" that has been set aside for FTP
purposes by the system administrators; you must then navigate to the archive
itself. At sumex-aim.stanford.edu, the Macintosh software archive is located in
the directory "info-mac." You can change the current working directory on the
remote host using the "cd" command. In the example of Fig. 1, I have also moved
to the subdirectory "util" on the info-mac directory. Whenever you have
finished with a particular subdirectory, enter "cdup" at the "ftp>" prompt to
move up one directory level.
(5) Enter "get" followed by a space and the name of the file to be
transferred. The file will then be copied to your local Unix directory. In the
example of Fig. 1, the ".hqx" extension indicates that the Macintosh file has
been encoded as purely ASCII characters using BinHex (discussed in more detail
in Part II.) Usually, ASCII is the default FTP transfer mode. However, if the
file has been archived in binary format, then at the "ftp>" prompt, and prior
to transferring the file, you must enter "binary." Sometimes, if the file is
large and the remote system is busy, the transfer may take considerable time.
To keep an eye on the progress of the transfer, enter "hash" before getting the
file; then as each 1024-byte block of data is transferred, a "#" hash mark will
be printed on your monitor. If you would like to see an abbreviated list of the
files contained in the current directory, enter "ls"; for a more verbose list
that includes information about each file's size and the date that it was
archived, enter "dir" followed by a carriage return.
(6) When you are finished transferring the files you need, be courteous and
log off of the remote machine as quickly as possible. At the "ftp>" prompt,
enter either "by" or "qui."
These are the most basic commands that you will use during any FTP session.
You can usually find a complete description of the FTP command interpreter used
at your Unix site by viewing the "manual pages" (i.e., by entering "man ftp").
There are a number of archives of software for the Macintosh, IBM PC and
compatibles, and other popular personal computers. In Table I, I have listed
the name of the host, the Internet address, the directory containing the
archive, the microcomputer, and the appropriate transfer mode for some of the
most popular archives. (Of course, virtually all documentation files are stored
as pure ASCII.) One of the largest and most frequently updated Macintosh
software archives is maintained at sumex-aim.stanford.edu. I recommend that the
inexperienced user explore the subdirectory /info-mac/help. OzTeX, the free
Macintosh implementation of TeX mentioned by Tony Siegman in last month's
column, may be found at midway.uchicago.edu (University of Chicago); it is
quite large, so be prepared! The MS-DOS archive at wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
(White Sands Missile Range) is enormous, but it is difficult to navigate
because the host does not use Unix. Nevertheless, there are a number of text
documents in the root directory that describe the FTP commands for the simtel20
server. A Unix mirror of the simtel20 archive is maintained at
wuarchive.wustl.edu (Washington University at St. Louis); if you are new to FTP
on the IBM PC, then an excellent place to begin is the wuarchive subdirectory
The best way to learn more about FTP and other microcomputer archives is to
subscribe to the appropriate INTERNET news groups. A full description of
INTERNET news groups is beyond the scope of this article; you'll need to list
the manual pages for your system news reader or to contact your local system
administrator to get started. However, news groups of interest to microcomputer
users have names that begin with prefixes like "comp.sys.mac..." and
"comp.sys.ibm.pc..." In particular, the news groups "comp.sys.mac.digest" and
"comp.sys.ibm.pc.d" describe in detail new additions to the archives at sumex-
aim and simtel20, respectively.
The precise implementation of FTP is site-dependent, so "your mileage may
vary." But the basics of file transfer are usually easy to master and are well
worth the effort. Next month, I will describe the basics of decoding and
downloading files obtained via FTP.
(I am grateful to Geoff Kinnel, Betsy Richards, Geoff Allen, and Jim Matthews
for their generous assistance in gathering information for this article.)
(C) Copyright 1991 Raymond G. Beausoleil
Figure 1: Screen Capture of an ftp session.
(1) milton> ftp
Connected to
220 sumex-aim FTP server (SunOS 4.0/3) ready.
(2) Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send mail address (user@host) as password.
(3) Password:
230 Guest connection 7 (of 25) accepted, access restrictions apply.
(4) ftp> cd /info-mac/util
250 CWD command successful.
(5) ftp> get unstuffit-deluxe-20.hqx
200 PORT command successful.
150 ASCII data connection for unstuffit-deluxe-20.hqx
(,11969) (172867 bytes).
226 ASCII Transfer complete.
local: unstuffit-deluxe-20.hqx remote: unstuffit-deluxe-20.hqx
175534 bytes received in 7.2 seconds (24 Kbytes/s)
(6) ftp> by
221 Goodbye.
Table I:
Site Name IP Address Directory Software Mode
sumex-aim.stanford.edu /info-mac Mac ASCII
midway.uchicago.edu /pub/OzTeX/oztex Mac Binary
wsmr-simtel20.army.mil Non-Unix! MS-DOS Binary
wuarchive.wustl.edu /mirrors/msdos MS-DOS Binary
--------------------------------- End of Part I ------------------------------
----------------------------- Beginning of Part II ---------------------------
An FTP Primer II: Downloading and Decoding
Ray Beausoleil
Last month, in Part I of this article, I briefly described the INTERNET File
Transfer Protocol (FTP). In particular, I demonstrated how to use the Unix
"ftp" interface to transfer personal computer software packages from a remote
archive to your local Unix mainframe or minicomputer. These programs have
usually been compressed and/or encoded by the archive administrators. This
month, I will provide a brief introduction to the process of first downloading
this software to your microcomputer, and then decoding it using special utility
The method that you must use to download software from your local mainframe
computer to your microcomputer depends on the operating system and the software
installed on the mainframe, and on the configuration of your network (e.g.,
Ethernet or modem). You should begin by asking your system administrator for a
list of information transfer protocols that have been installed at your site
and the commands that invoke these protocols. Some of the most popular
protocols include XModem, YModem, ZModem, and Kermit. Paul Kelley has described
XModem and Kermit in his article "Information transfer for personal computers,"
published in the February 1991 edition of this column.
In Tables I and II, I have listed freeware and shareware telecommunications
and utility software packages for the Macintosh and the IBM PC, respectively.
For Macintosh software, I recommend the archive at sumex-aim.stanford.edu
(INTERNET address, located in the directory "/info-mac". ZTerm, an
excellent shareware telecommunications application program, can be found in the
directory "/info-mac/comm". ZTerm not only uses the XModem and YModem data
transfer protocols, but also offers one of the best implementations of the
ZModem protocol for any personal computer. When you are connected through ZTerm
to a Unix mainframe that uses the ZModem protocol, you may download a file
simply by entering "sz" followed by a space and the name of the file. ZTerm
detects that a file is being sent, identifies the file type, and then chooses
the correct transfer mode! For local systems which have implemented the Kermit
protocol, the program MacKermit (also available at sumex-aim.stanford.edu in
the "/info-mac/comm" directory) provides a robust Macintosh interface.
A huge archive of IBM PC software is maintained at wuarchive.wustl.edu
(INTERNET address, in the directory "/mirrors/msdos". The most
popular shareware telecommunications package for the IBM PC, ProComm, may be
found there in the subdirectory named (oddly enough) "procomm". ProComm uses
the XModem, YModem, and Kermit transfer protocols, and can also follow the
ZModem protocol through an external command shell using the transfer program
"DSZ.COM", which should be placed in the same MS-DOS directory as the ProComm
program itself. After connecting to your local Unix mainframe through ProComm,
enter "sz" followed by a space and the name of the file to be downloaded. Then,
through ProComm, enter the MS-DOS gateway (the "DOS shell") and input "dsz rz"
at the MS-DOS prompt. After the file has been written to your personal
computer's disk, simply enter "exit" at the DOS prompt to return to ProComm.
As Paul Kelley mentioned in his article, the simplest way to download files
to your microcomputer is to display the file on your monitor. Both ZTerm and
Procomm allow you to capture incoming text and write the text to a disk file.
As described below, you may then decode the files for later use. Almost all of
the files stored in the large archive of Macintosh software maintained at
sumex-aim.stanford.edu have been encoded as ASCII (text) characters using a
format known as BinHex 4. These files have names that end with the extension
".hqx", and can be captured directly from your monitor after you have
transferred them to your local Unix host. You may direct a Unix machine to
write a ".hqx" file to your monitor by entering the command "cat", followed by
a space and the name of the file to be transferred. However, almost all of the
files stored in the IBM PC software archive wuarchive.wustl.edu have been
stored in binary format. After you have transferred one of these files (e.g.,
"file.arc") to your local Unix mainframe or minicomputer, you can use the
command "uuencode file.arc file.arc" to ASCII-encode "file.arc" and then write
it to your monitor. In both cases, you must decode the ASCII file on your
microcomputer using one of the utility programs listed in Tables I and II;
since you will not be able to decode these utilities themselves until after you
have the utilities, you must obtain copies of their binary executable files
from a colleague or user group.
A typical binary file can be up to 50% smaller than the corresponding
encoded ASCII file, and can be transferred to your personal computer in
proportionally less time. Therefore, if at all possible, you should try to
download using the binary transfer mode. This is relatively straightforward for
IBM PC files transferred from the wuarchive.wustl.edu archive and then
downloaded to a microcomputer using ProComm Plus.
You may decode BinHex Macintosh files into MacBinary files on your local
Unix host prior to downloading them using a utility such as "mcvert." You may
build your own copy of "mcvert" by following these steps: (1) transfer the file
"mcvert-15.shar" from the "/info-mac/unix" subdirectory at sumex-
aim.stanford.edu using "ftp"; (2) enter "sh mcvert-15.shar" at your local Unix
prompt, and ignore any error messages caused by the file header; and (3) enter
"make" at the Unix prompt. This process will create a number of files on your
directory; you may delete all but "mcvert" itself. Now, to decode any files
that have the extension ".hqx" (including files that consist of more than one
part), simply enter "mcvert *.hqx" at the Unix prompt. Your Unix directory will
then contain files with the extension ".bin", which can be downloaded using the
MacBinary transfer mode.
Both the Macintosh and the IBM PC binary files that you have downloaded to
your personal computer are actually miniature archives that contain one or more
compressed executable and/or data files. These archives can be easily and
rapidly expanded using the appropriate utility files listed in Tables I and II.
(The label "sea" designates self-extracting archives which will decompress
themselves automatically upon launching.) On the Macintosh, files obtained from
sumex-aim.stanford.edu will usually have extensions such as ".sit" (Stuffit
Classic), ".cpt" (Compact Pro), or ".sea" (Compact Pro self-extracting
archive). On the IBM PC, files transferred and downloaded from
wuarchive.wustl.edu will have extensions such as ".ARC" (PKUNPAK.EXE), ".ZIP"
(PKUNZIP.EXE), ".LHZ" (LHARC.EXE), ".ZOO" (LOOZ210.EXE), or ".EXE" (self-
extracting archive or simple executable file).
At first, the downloading and decoding process may seem daunting to you,
particularly if either the system architecture of your local host is not Unix,
or the software installed on that system does not follow one of the few
examples that I have given in this article. Rest assured that others have
almost certainly solved your problems already; one of your most dependable
resources is the knowledge of your colleagues. Alternatively, as I mentioned
briefly in Part I, you may learn more about personal computer
telecommunications by subscribing to the appropriate INTERNET news groups. If
you ask the right people the right questions, you might find that while you may
not be able stand upon the shoulders of giants, you may be able to stand upon
their feet.
(I am grateful to John McGarvey, Matt Derstine, Geoff Kinnel, Betsy Richards,
David Faust, and Geoff Allen for their generous assistance in gathering
information for this article.)
(C) Copyright 1991 Raymond G. Beausoleil
Table I: Files obtained from sumex-aim.stanford.edu ( in the
directory /info-mac (ASCII Transfer Mode)
File Name Location Description
file-types.txt help Brief list of sumex-aim file types
zterm-085.hqx comm ZTerm (X,Y,ZModem; no Kermit)
mackermit-098.hqx comm MacKermit (No X,Y,ZModem)
stuffit-16-part1.hqx util Stuffit Classic w/BinHex 4 (sea)
stuffit-16-part2.hqx util
compact-pro-13.hqx util Compact Pro w/BinHex 4 (sea)
mcvert-15.shar unix Unix shell archive for mcvert
Table II: Files obtained from wuarchive.wustl.edu ( in the
directory /mirrors/msdos (Binary Transfer Mode)
File Name Location Description
00-files.doc starter Description of wuarchive file types
00-index.txt starter Descriptions of files in /starter
prcm243.arc procomm ProComm shareware communications program
prcm243d.arc procomm ProComm documentation
prcm243d.arc procomm ProComm utilities
dsz0404.zip zmodem DSZ.COM (ZModem for ProComm)
pk361.exe starter PKPAK.EXE/PKUNPAK.EXE (sea)
pkz110eu.exe starter PKZIP.EXE/PKUNZIP.EXE (sea)
lh113c.exe starter LHARC.EXE (sea)
looz210.com starter ZOO archive extracter/lister
uudecode.com starter Convert ASCII uuencoded files to binary
--------------------------------- End of Part II -----------------------------